“Looking for a beautiful gemstone that is also said to have healing properties? Then Amazonite Jewellery might be for you!”
'Stone of Hope'
Amazonite, also known as the Amazon Stone, has been used since ancient times, particularly in Egypt where it was widely used to produce jewellery. Up to the present day the stone is widely considered to have healing properties. Perhaps you will gain new insights into this stunning stone and its amazing properties!
It is named after South America’s Amazon River. It used to be believed that Amazonite was found in the Amazon region long ago, but experts in this field believe that no green deposits of feldspar exist in Brazil’s Amazon.
Even so, the history of Amazonite is known to go back to ancient Egypt where it was widely used to produce a wide range of jewellery.
It is a gem-quality variety of green microcline, belonging to the feldspar group of minerals.
Amazonite or the Amazon Stone is said to signify truth, honour, communication, integrity, hope and trust.
It is believed to enhance intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect and psychic ability.
It is noted to lessen stress and self-defeating behaviours by calming and building self-esteem.
It’s also said that Amazonite Jewellery helps to heal emotional disturbances and supports healing powers and is beneficial for general health.
Gemstone Sources
Amazonite has been discovered in only a few locations throughout the world. The discoveries were made in USA (Colorado), Brazil, India, Madagascar, Australia, Russia and Norway.
Amazonite Colour
The colours of the stone can vary from green to blue green. Many stones may also exhibit fine white streaks. The unique colour of Amazonite is a result of iron impurities that gives it the striking bluish green colour.
Amazonite Jewellery Pendants is best viewed under soft, warm daylight.
Amazonite gemstone Jewellery are most often cut en cabochon and are only very rarely faceted.
What is Feldspar?
The feldspars are a fairly homogeneous group of rock-forming tectosilicates that make up nearly 60% of the Earth’s crust. Followed by quartz, feldspar is the most common mineral in the entire world. Despite feldspar's abundance, there are only a few varieties of feldspars considered to be of gemstone quality.
The word 'feldspar' originated from the German words, "feld"and "spath", which loosely translates as "rock that contains ore".
Caboche and Faceting
En caboche is a method of preparing a gemstone by shaping and polishing rather than by faceting (grinding a gemstone at precise angles and indexes followed by a polishing process). En caboche usually results in a convex (rounded) obverse with a flat reverse form. Cutting en cabochon (French: "in the manner of a cabochon") is usually applied to opaque gems, while faceting is usually applied to transparent stones.
Hardness is also taken into account as softer gemstones with a hardness lower than 7 on the Mohs hardness scale are easily scratched, mainly by silicon dioxide in dust and grit. This would quickly make translucent gems unattractive—instead they are polished as cabochons.